Local General History (Battle and East Sussex)
1. Local People
1.1 Col. Charles H Lemmon, DSO – Author and Past President 1963-1973 of BDHS
1.2 Employment in Battle 1841-1911: A Preliminary assessment
1.3 Comparison of 1921 and 1911 census data for Battle High Street
1.3a Table 1 to 1.3
1.3b Table 2 to 1.3
Geoffrey Barber has written a fascinating description and analysis of The Six Merchant Tokens Issued at Battle in East Sussex, 1650-70 providing an insight into how some of the businessmen operating in the town at that time coped with the chronic shortage of small coinage.
2. Local Places
The Woodland trust have an excellent detailed report on the History of Brede High Woods.
The Keep website has a section which reviews the histories of local villages and parishes together with guides to access relevant archive material which appears to be gradually being added to. See http://www.thekeep.info/places/
ESCC also have on-line tithe maps of the county. See
3. About Battle Abbey and around Battle and District
3.1 Battle History Walk (Can be printed off as a guide or see Geotourist App)
3.2 The Sword of Battle Abbey Copy of an Article from Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 94th Session, 1873-74, Vol. X-Part II. A replica of the sword is now on display at the Abbey
The Making of the High Weald https://www.highweald.org/downloads/publications/uk-landscape-research-reports/120-the-making-of-the-high-weald-report/file.html A link to a comprehensive overview of Wealden History and the story of the High Weald AONB
3.3 Markets and Bull-Baiting in Battle
3.4 Canadia
3.5 St Marys Croft
3.6 Battle Abbey Sale 1976
4. 1066
4.1 Some Books and Links for the Norman Invasion and the Battle of Hastings
4.2a A Critique and Comparison of ‘Companion Rolls of the Conquest’, some known as ‘Battle Abbey Rolls’
Multiple ‘Rolls’ said to be the names of the followers of William the Conqueror are examined and commented on in this analytical paper. The data Appendixes used in this paper in Excel spreadsheet form (i.e. not pdf), are below as paper R4.2b.
4.2b Data underlying the ‘Companion Rolls of the Conquest’ – paper R4.2a
4.2c The Companion Roll of William of Worcester
4.2d Appendixes for paper R4.2c
5. Preludes to 1066
5.1 Early Eastern Sussex to 410
5.2 Around Battle, but mainly Hastings from 900-1450