BDHS Transactions & Journal Reports
The Annual Journal is published at the end of each calendar year and includes reports of the meetings, field trips and any other activities of the Society. Relatively few of the notes on the lectures were written by the lecturer, they are mainly notes of the lectures by third parties. We are in the process of transferring digitised journals into the archive, but in due course all should be found there.
Click here to access the Journal Archive 
Meanwhile the journals covering 2010 to 2019 can be found below. Below them are there are lists of the content of all the journals, listed by presenter, date of talk and a single keyword, which can be accessed by clicking the relevant icon
All from Transactions, Newsletters and Journals – 1950 – 1980 & 1983 – 2017 (1981 & 1982 – Nos. 28 & 29 not issued)
Click on the journal e.g. BDHS Journal 2017 to open that year’s journal to see all the available reports from that volume, grouped by edition in time order e.g. 2015 will run from Sept 2014 to July 2015. The journal covering the last season’s events will not appear on-line until sometime during the following year.
BDHS Journal 2019
The making of Gray’s Anatomy by Dr Ruth Richardson
The private lives of the Tudors by Tracy Borman
Citizen Clem by Professor John Bew
Capability Brown by Tom Oliver
Historical stories of Battle:
Pestilential effluvia – the Cresy Report of 1850 by Neil Clephane-Cameron
Collectanea – 101 tales from our website by Dr Keith Foord
The BDHS audio recording archive by Georgina Doherty
Charles the Martyr by Professor Jackie Eales
How to build a mediaeval house by Stephen Howard Gray
The Sykes-Picot Agreement James Barr
Who really built the Clifton Suspension Bridge? by Julia Elton
D-Day, 6 June 1944: the Allied assault on Normandy: the 75th anniversary by Brig. Hugh Willing
The first Moon landing: the untold story Dr David Baker
Another man’s war: the story of a Burma Boy in Britain’s forgotten African army by Barnaby Phillips
Dover Castle by Roy Porter Henry III and Battle Abbey by Professor David Carpenter
Twelfth Night by Tim McDonald Sheila Kaye-Smith by Gina Doherty
Battle and the English civil war by Adrian Hall
Sir Francis Ronalds by George Kiloh
The forgotten princesses of Edward I by Professor Louise Wilkinson
The Preventative Squadron and the West African Slave Trade, 1819-1860 by Hugh Willing
Tales, titbits and trivia of Sussex and Kent by Chris McCooey
From the dung heap to the stars: a history of early gunpowder by Kay Douglas Smith
Henry the Navigator by Imogen Corrigan
Benjamin Franklin in London: the British life of America’s founding father by George Goodwin
Dickens and the Workhouse by Dr Ruth Richardson
The Battle of Hastings by Brig.(retd) Hugh Willing
Battle in revolt by Prof. Clive Bloom
Sussex on film: films from Screen Archive South East by Dr Frank Gray
John Thomas Matthewson by Neil Clephane Cameron
The Life of the Hon. James Murray by Dr Keith Foord
James Gutsell and John Pearson by Adrian Hall
Battle’s only resident king by George Kiloh
William Walker – how a deep-sea diver saved Winchester Cathedral by Dr John Crook
Ben Leigh-Smith – polar explorer of east Sussex by Charlotte Moore
Secret Service in England since 1570 by Alan Judd
The New Churchyard and burial in early modern London: new insights from the Crossrail excavation by Prof. Vanessa Harding
Mad, bad and dangerous: the decline and fall of Henry VIII by Dr Robert Hutchinson
Michael Faraday and his influence by Prof. Frank James
BDHS Journal 2016
Medieval Defences of the Cinque Ports by Dr Helen Clarke
Richard III – A Bloody Tyrant? By Dr Philip Stone
Simon de Montfort, Magna Carta and the Development of Parliament by Prof. David Carpenter
Who really got to the Moon first? By Dr David Baker
The Battle of the Somme: Geoffrey Malins’ film – introduction by Neil Clephane-Cameron
Viceroys of India by Christopher Lee
Recent Archaeological Discoveries in East Sussex by Caspar Johnson
The Wealden Iron Industry in the Middle Ages by Jeremy Hodgkinson
Battle before the Battle of Hastings by Julian Porter
Two Kings and Battle Abbey: William Rufus and John by Profs. John Gillingham and David Carpenter
Battle High Street Inside and Out by David Martin
BDHS Journal 2015
July Crisis: descent into War 1914 by Prof. T G Otte
The Geography of the Norman Conquest from the Carmen de Triumpho Normannico by Kathleen Tyson
The Peninsular War: Busaco and Torres Vedras by Lt Col (retd) Roderic MacArthur
A Century of Anglo-German Relations in One Family by Sir Brian Crowe KCMG
The Brave Remembered: Battle at War 1914-1919 by George Kiloh
South-East England: The Eternal Battlefield by Peter Cole
Rural Romania Revealed: A Rare Survival of a Medieval Way of Life by Richard Filmer
Lecture on and tour of Battle Abbey by Roger Clark
Waterloo: The Rout of the French Imperial Guard by Lt Gen (retd) Sir Christopher Wallace
King John by Dr Marc Morris
BDHS Journal 2014
‘Ill Met by Moonlight’ – The Capture of General Kreipe on Crete by the S.O.E. by HCG Willing
Stormy Seas: The History of Grace Darling 1838, and of the Rye Lifeboat, 1928 by Laton Frewen
Lewes Castle by Sally White Lewes Castle.pdf
The Jute and Saxon Settlement of Kent and Sussex by Simon Mansfield
To the Manor Born: Manors in the Battle Area 1066 – 1925 by Christopher Whittick
The Royal Sussex Regiment in World War I by Matthew Jones
Votes For Women: Tales From the Women’s Library by Liz Chapman
The History of Strategy by Prof Sir Lawrence Freedman
Windsor Castle by Oliver Everett
Writing Lady Thatcher’s Biography by Charles Moore
BDHS Journal 2013
The East India Company by Michael Gandy
Christian Soldiers and the Enslavement of Women and Children: the Beginning of Chivalric Warfare by John Gillingham, BDHS President
The De La Warrs: a History of a Sussex Family by Julian Porter
Causes of the American Civil War by Bob Evans
Droughts, Deluges and Dust Devils: 300 Years of Weather in the South East of England by Ian Currie
Total War from Stalingrad to Berlin by Michael Jones
History of Sissinghurst by Adam Nicholson
History and the Peace Process in Northern Ireland by Thomas Dolan
Battle Abbey by John Goodall
The First ‘C’: Mansfield Cumming and the Founding of MI6 in 1909 by Alan Judd
Fishbourne and the Early Days of Roman Sussex by Helen Poole
BDHS Journal 2012
The History of Bonfires in Sussex & Kent by Derek Legg
Michelangelo and the Pope’s Ceiling by Ross King
Charlemagne: Conqueror and King
Memories of Battle in the 1930s and ’40s by Richard Moore
Zealots and Helots: The Slave Trade Department of the Foreign Office by Dr Keith Hamilton
The Fuller Family and the Wealden Iron Industry by Jeremy Hodgkinson
BDHS Journal 2011
The Battle of Britain in the Battle District by Andy Saunders
The Dregs of the People Remain: the aftermath of the Black Death by Imogen Corrigan
The Industrial History of Sussex by Geoff Mead
Aunt Barbara & Her Fireplace by Charlotte Moore
The Battle for Moscow 1941-2 by Dr Michael Jones
Sir David Salomons: Inventor and Motoring Pioneer by Dr Ian Beavis
History and Work of the Royal Botanic Gardens Kew by Sarah Oldridge
Plantagenets, Pelhams and Pevensey’s Last Seige by Hugh Miller
Copernicus Ivan Crowe
Diamond Jubilee Lectures 2010
The 60th anniversary of the founding of the Battle & District Historical Society was celebrated with a symposium of invited lectures in St. Mary’s Church on Saturday 23rd October 2010.
Introduction to the Celebration by the Chairman, Richard Moore
Post 1066 by Dr Harriet Harvey Wood:
16th Century by Professor Robert Swanson:
Year of our Founding, 1950 by Dr David Kynaston
Vote of Thanks from Don Nicol:
All article titles from 1950 by presenter’s name, date of presentation and single keyword can be seen in lists by clicking the relevant icon
By presenter’s name
By date
By single keyword