BDHS Books click on the image to obtain further details of each BDHS book
These books are all BDHS publications and profits from their sales all go to support further BDHS projects. Discounts are available to members when they are bought directly from BDHS.
Books are available from our webstore and worldwide
Most BDHS books are also available from Rother Books in Battle High Street, and from Battle Museum or the Almonry Information Point; and some from English Heritage’s Battle Abbey shop.

Examines the history of East Sussex from the dawn of time to the Battle of Hastings. ‘It is the sheer dynamism of the region’s history that Keith Foord brings alive’ Professor David Bates, President BDHS.
To read the review of this book on the BALH website under “THREE BOOKS ON THE HISTORY OF BATTLE” click here.
The author stylishly guides the reader along a walk around the Battle area, visiting possible sites for the ‘Malfosse’ incident, a late ambush on the Normans by the Anglo-Saxons at the Battle of Hastings
Describes the impact in East Sussex of the tumultuous events of the Middle Ages: kingly rivalry, civil wars, the Black Death, rebellions, the creation of Parliament and the loss of France.
To read the review of this book on the BALH website under “THREE BOOKS ON THE HISTORY OF BATTLE” click here.

This book delves into the background stories and events of 1066, in the context of the histories, places and politics involved in East Sussex and overseas.
To read the review of this book on the BALH website under “THREE BOOKS ON THE HISTORY OF BATTLE” click here.
This book commemorates the fallen of Battle and the survivors in the First World War. Personal histories are accompanied by a narrative of the global conflict in a book which brings to life the names on the local war memorial and more.
Battle and its neighbourhood have been home over the centuries to an exceptional number of noteworthy residents. In this book you will meet more than sixty who were, in the words of the cover, “famous, good, eccentric, odd, infamous, gifted, sad, mad and just plain bad”.
To read the review of this book on the BALH website click here.
This book critically examines, unravels, and describes the varied strands of evidence about not only Harold Godwinson’s life and death, but also arising mythologies, his surviving family and legacy.
To read the review of this book on the BALH website click here.
Here is an account of the revolution in English rural towns without big industries, when by 1870 the poor law, the police, transport, illness prevention, education and politics were barely recognisable from what they had been in 1830, and religious dissent had blossomed. It concentrates on the historic Sussex town of Battle as its main exemplar, with references to another in Suffolk. Both remain small, each with a major ancient building, and each preserving a strong sense of identity.
Recent books by our President and Vice-Presidents
Professor David Bates’ books
La Tapisserie de Bayeux 2019 – Co-author; William the Conqueror 2018 – Author; The Normans and Empire 2013 – Author; 1066 in Perspective 2018 – Editor; 911-2011, Penser les mondes normands médiévaux : Actes du colloque international de Caen et Cerisy (29 septembre-2 octobre 2011) – 2011 Editor
Christopher Whittick’s books
How houses evolved: Houses in the Eastern High Weald of Sussex 1350-1750 Co-author 2018; Building Battle Town 1066-1750 2016 Co-author
Sylvette Lemagnen’s books
The Bayeux Tapestry: a step by step discovery 2015 – Author; The Bayeux Tapestry 2019 – Author; La Tapisserie de Bayeux: une chronique des temps Vikings? 2009 – Author
An interesting selection of other local history and history related books written by members of BDHS is given below. Please note that these books have been published elsewhere or are self-published. We only sell BDHS published books directly, but as a courtesy to our members we give details of how their books can be purchased and will forward any enquiries made about these books via the ‘Contact Us’ form.
‘The Battle Tapestry’ published by Tina Greene in November 2019, is available at Rother Books price £15. Tina describes the Tapestry project in detail, covering the relevant historical background and design of each scene, selection of materials, stitching techniques and many other facets of this fascinating work of art. Her book is fully illustrated with over 100 colour photographs, detailed diagrams and includes a list of all the stitchers! The book will also be available from Battle Museum when it is open. Also see below under ‘Artworks’.

Published in March 2019 ‘Battle at War 1939-45’ sponsored by Battle Museum of Local History was edited by Adrian and Sarah Hall. 2019 was the 80th anniversary of the outbreak of WW2 and the book is intended to give a flavour of what the town was like then and also contains numbers of accounts from individuals of their memories. This book is on sale at BMoLH and Rother Books. The book may be mail-ordered exclusively from the Museum by making out a cheque payable to Battle Museum of Local History for £10.50 and sending it to: Battle at War, Battle Museum, The Almonry, High Street, Battle, TN33 0EA

David Martin, together with his wife Barbara and others have authored and co- authored many publications concerning ancient and medieval farms, building and towns of East Sussex. Two of their latest books with one of the Society’s Vice-President’s Christopher Whittick, are ‘How Houses Evolved: Houses of the Eastern High Weald of Sussex 1350–1750’ and ‘Building Battle Town – An Architectural History 1066-1759’. They contain much detailed research and copious illustrations. These books are available on-line.

Other recent history books by members include Charlotte Moore’s ‘Hancox‘ which is the story of five generations of her family and of Hancox, a house in Whatlington. It is a complex but riveting story. The book is widely available from booksellers.Charlotte has also written some historical biographies for children about William the Conqueror, Elizabeth I and Florence Nightingale.
Also there are two books by Keith Foord published by Battle Methodist Church. The first, ‘Battle Abbey and Battle Churches’ is about all the churches of Battle, including details of the demolished Battle Abbey Church and all the churches that have come and gone or stayed since Battle Abbey started to be built in 1070. The second book, ‘The Methodist Road to Battle’ covers the interesting story of the two pronged development of Methodism across eastern Sussex, discussing Wesley’s strong interest in the very east and then the role of Napoleonic era soldiers to the west. Keith’s books are available from Waterstones to order. Also see Battle Methodist Church or directly on request by email to or phone 01424 777029. The books may also be purchased via Rother Books (email: in Battle.
Clifford Braybrooke’s book ‘A History of the Parish Church of Battle’ is a detailed in-depth history of St Mary’s Parish Church, Battle. Please use the ‘Contact form’ to check availability of this book.
In the past the Society has published other books (below), now out of print, but they may be available from second-hand booksellers.

Members also produce artworks, the most notable recent example being the superb Battle Community Tapestry, a work by Tina Greene, which involved over 700 stitchers, that illustrates in the style of the Bayeux Tapestry the early years of Battle from 1066 to 1115. This is now on permanent display in St Mary’s Church, Battle – see: and will occasionally go ‘on tour’. Full scale and ⅓ scale facsimiles of the ‘Battle Tapestry’ and other related items are directly available from Tina at

Photography Peter Greene © Christina Greene