Recreation, Pubs, Sports, Tourism, Recreation Grounds
1. Recreation
1.1 Coronations 1838-1953
How Battle has celebrated every coronation since Queen Victoria’s
1.2 Battle Arts Festival
The story of the festival which ran from 1961 until 2006.
2. Pubs and Inns
2.1 Inns of Battle, Telham and Netherfield
3. Sport
There is a recent book ‘Bats, baronets and Battle – A social history of cricketers and cricket from an East Sussex town’ by Timothy Dudgeon. There is also a short history of Cricket in Battle on Battle CC’s website http://battlecc.play-cricket.com/website/web_pages/190396
Not to be outdone there is also an on-line history of Crowhurst CC http://crowhurstcc.co.uk/history/history.htm
4. Tourism
5. Recreation Grounds